




本周, 我和老摩根·威廉姆斯坐了下来, social work) to talk about this year’s AUSA (bet365中文大学 Student Association) senator projects at Andrews. She explains some of the goals and challenges of these various projects as well as some insights gained along the way.



我来自马萨诸塞州和佐治亚州! 我喜欢我的专业,喜欢和孩子们一起工作, 我喜欢户外活动(远足), 吊床, 骑自行车, 和滑板). 我参加了bet365中文大学的很多俱乐部, 包括社会工作俱乐部, 法律系的社会, 模拟试验, 以及bet365中文大学妇女赋权协会, 大二的时候我还当过班长. This year I have had the amazing opportunity to serve as Executive Vice President of AUSA (which heads the AUSA Senate) and President of the Social Work Club. 


Can you provide an overview of some of the major projects the student senate has undertaken in the past few years?

上一学年, some senators completed a project providing cooking materials (pots and cooking spoons) to Lamson Hall. 另一个项目名为“UT不能停车”,” an advocacy project where the Senate created a 调查 where University Tower residents could provide input regarding parking around UT. 


这些项目背后的主要目标是什么? 这些项目是如何启动的? What were some of the most successful projects in terms of achieving their intended outcomes?

参议院被设计成所有本科生和AUSA之间的联络人. 而AUSA的内阁成员是本科学生团体的代表, 因为我们的团队太大了,所以会有知识上的差距. It is difficult for a group of eight to get a comprehensive understanding of what all undergraduate students' concerns and needs are. 的 Senate is comprised of at least 30 senators who are tasked with gathering information about pressing issues and concerns to report in weekly meetings to create a better experience for Andrews 本科 students. As enumerated in Article 19 of the AUSA Constitution and Article 3 of the Amended AUSA By-laws, 参议员必须完成一个参议员项目, 协助分配精神奖助金, 并出席每一次参议院会议. A portion of the AUSA Budget money is directly allocated to providing funding for the Senator Projects. 的 goal of the projects is to make substantial and sustainable changes in undergraduate life by improving morale, 基础设施, 订婚, 和服务. All projects are considered a success once the Senators tasked with completing them can directly aid those they initially sought out to, 整个项目就完成了. 


是否有任何项目没有达到预期或面临重大挑战? 如果是这样,这些结果背后的原因是什么?

All the current Senator Projects happened with much trial and error by both the Senators and myself. 一些原始的想法被修改或完全重做. 参议院必须投票通过最初的想法, and I had to veto some of them because they either could not have been completed this year or had logistic fallacies. 有些想法因为缺乏他们想要合作的实体的回应而落空. 有些改变是因为参议员们发现了其他有价值的事情来做他们的项目. 的re are a lot of approvals to be had in the ideation, fruition, and completion of these projects. First, the senators had to present their prospective project to the Senate on November 30, 2023. After the Senators got approval from the entities they were helping and compiled an itemized list with the prices, they had to present their proposals to the Senate again as well as the Finance Committee within the Senate to get approval for funds. 在他们得到所有的签名并提交他们的提案之后, 他们终于能够为他们的项目购买所有的材料.


学生会如何在不同类型的项目之间进行优先排序和平衡, 比如那些专注于学术问题的人, 校园基础设施, 学生服务, 或者社区参与?

作为参议员, they are required to cater to their constituents in all aspects; district senators are tasked with catering directly to the people who live within their districts (Lamson, 迈耶, UT, 和社区). 同时他们从校园的住宅区收集信息, 参议员还收集有关校园生活的信息. 他们可以根据选民的意见选择一个有价值的努力. 的 Constitution and By-Laws do not specifically make it necessary to have all of the types of projects as stated in the question, 而是基于元老们的各种利益, 我们只是碰巧涵盖了上面列出的几乎所有内容!


Are there any ongoing or upcoming projects that the student senate is currently working on or planning to implement in the near future?

参议员们在完成他们的参议员计划方面做得非常出色. 他们花了很多时间去寻找本科生想要的东西, 研究如何完成它, 联系必要的实体, 并获得美国参议院财政委员会批准的潜在支出. 我为所有的工作感到无比自豪, 勤奋, time, 以及参议员们为完成各自的项目所做的努力. 本学年我不能要求一个更好的参议院了. 


2023-2024学年的最终参议员项目如下(有些尚未完成), 但他们都在工作中):

  • 肯尼斯·加尔文(大二), 建筑)和Wesley Barrow(大三), 工程)增加了一个全新的PS5, 额外的控制器, 还有两款游戏:《bet365中文》和《bet365中文》, 到娱乐中心供任何要求使用的学生使用. 他们想增加一项有趣的活动来帮助学生减轻压力,建立社区!
  • 扎伦·弗里特(大一新生), 计算机科学)创建了“食品意识项目”来帮助当地的食品储藏室, 吗哪和上帝丰富的食品储藏室, advertise their services to all the students at Andrews as a first step to end student hunger. 他的项目包括营销材料,如促销实体和虚拟传单, 院子里的迹象, 报名成为志愿者的学生也会得到一些赠品.
  • 卡特琳·尼尔森(大四), 音乐教育)和悉尼·弗里茨(高级), speech pathology) are remodeling the Music Practice Room in the Basement of Lamson (in the back of the Lamson Health Club). 他们正在重新粉刷墙壁, 提供新家具(音乐架), 镜子, 一张桌子, 钢琴凳, 还有新沙发), 重新点亮空间, 并增加新的隔音板. 这个项目的目的是创造一个女性音乐学生可以练习的空间. 
  • 梅根·金(大一新生), 生物学)和奥黛丽·林(大二), sociology) donated two whiteboards and markers to the James White 图书馆 to be an aid to students as they study. 
  • 西西亚·桑切斯(大二), 建筑学)和凯特琳·亚涅斯(新生), 心理学) donated countertops for new organizational shelves to be used in Lamson and 迈耶 Hall to be used to renovate the laundry rooms.
  • 艾德里安·布彻(大四), 工程) donated tennis equipment (four tennis rackets and tennis balls) and a bike pump for 迈耶 Hall (which residents in both dorms can check out and use). Adrian wanted to promote spending time outdoors, and growing a more active Andrews community.
  • 艾莉莎·卡鲁瑟斯(大二), 政治学和英语), 约翰娜·里瓦斯(大四), 西班牙语和全球研究), 奈丽娅·索托(小, 全球研究), 阿比盖尔·伊索(大二), 工程), 柯尔斯滕·维肯斯(大二), 管理), Emmanuel Omenge(大四, 护理), 和Upendo 的ophili(大二), 神学)合作完成了2个参议员项目. 的 first one was to donate electronic weight scales to the Andreasen Center for Wellness in the Women’s and Men’s Restrooms. 因为以前的秤都是手工的,很多用户不懂怎么用. 第二项倡议是开展一项调查,让密歇根州寒冷的冬天变得更容易忍受. We hope these conditions will be improved by creating a report on student opinions to present to 校园安全 and 工厂服务. 的 调查 (超链接)询问学生对上述问题的意见, 还有关于加热灯的建议, 路盐, 顶盖架, 在恶劣天气下进行Zoom课程. 还有一个空间可以容纳额外的想法和建议. 一旦报告完成, 他们会把它送到校园安全中心, 工厂服务, 以及其他可以改变当前冬季人行道/停车场状况的实体. 
  • Barnaby Kina Gichana(大一), 计算机科学), Vierick Canales(大一新生, 心理学), 扎卡里·艾伦·基什(大一新生), aviation flight) wanted to create an online platform to improve the interaction between the student body and the AUSA and its entities by creating a joint website! 的y want to give information about the future officers and provide information about upcoming events, 以及为美国助理检察官协会提供建议和问题的匿名邮箱!


What lessons or insights has the student senate gained from these past projects that will inform their approach to future initiatives?

在批准今年所有的项目时, I aim to create necessary and sustainable change that promotes the well-being of the 本科 student body. 我希望在未来的项目中也能延续这种情绪. 一定要在bet365中文看看有没有牌子写着, 由美国参议院2023-2024年捐赠,“请和我一起祝贺参议员们所做的一切, and apply to join the Senate next year to have a hand in creating change for undergraduate students on campus!

《bet365中文》是bet365中文大学的官方学生报纸. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, bet365中文大学或者基督复临安息日会.